Jesus said in Mark 2:17, “…It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.&rd…
Jesus came as a vulnerable baby, and He knows the challenges we face in a dark world. He came to bring light – to be the Light – and to …
A loving family is the best environment for children to grow and develop. However, not all children are born into families who love them. What can we…
If we want children to thrive, we must create places where they feel safe. How do we do that? What does it mean to “feel safe” from a chi…
Parents and caregivers play an important role in the lives children. They have a responsibility to care for and protect …
There are a number of gardening analogies used in the Bible. This devotional uses these gardening analogies to explore the various approaches on…
Every year, one bilion children around the world experience abuse. Without the support of caring adults, many of these children suffer long-term cons…
This film empowers children to speak up for themselves and others who may be experiencing abuse. Watch this video with the children in your life and …
Whether it’s a busy schedule or simply not wanting to be inconvenienced, we can often times turn a blind eye to the people that need us. This d…
The effectiveness of work is directly impacted by the people who do that work. It is our responsibility to use sound judgement when selecting individ…
In a world that often keeps us occupied with various distractions, we must recognise the unfortunate reality that countless children are deprived of …
In the Bible, God never says that we should try to avoid sadness. What if we changed our goal from trying to make a sad child (or adult) happy again,…
In times of fear or struggle, what is your first response? This devotional encourages you to lean on the Lord and not your own understanding. Prayer …
As advocates for children living in poverty, we are often exposed to many different forms of trauma and difficulties. However, there is deep joy in o…
As God's children, born-again, we are ambassadors of our heavenly Father on earth. We are like God's "delegates" to ensure that the virtues of the Ki…
As advocates for children and youth in Compassion, we must be hyper-aware of whether we are tempted down the same path of "the blame game". When conf…
To protect children, love is necessary. To love them, we must be willing. We must be converted to the love of God and to be converted to such a love …
We are all image-bearers of God. We were created in His image and He is grieved when abuse takes place for He knows the long-lasting, negative impact…
What comes to mind when you think about the act of neglecting someone? In reading this devotional, you will be encouraged by the words and actions of…
As we seek to protect the children around us, it is likely that we will experience pushback at times. While reading this devotional, you will be remi…
Lament is a natural and innevitable part of our lives; however, what about when the the pain isn't our own, but our neighbors? In this devotional you…
Our past experiences have the power to either silence or empower us to make a change in the lives of those around us. In this devotional, you will be…
Trauma impacts all individuals differently; every circumstance faced by individuals is unique to them. While there is no blanket solution, we can all…
This visual aid supports the Global Child Protection Parenting curriculum, which explores how parenting and caring for children is like caring for pl…