As a leader, how can you influence children in the community to cause positive change?
Victor B.
6 years ago
Most people tend to ignore children in the community and they think that children have nothing important to offer to the community but today let me disprove the world in this thinking.
Children are the most needed people in this world and their contribution will always be significant where recognize or not .
there are nine ways of how you can influence children to cause the positive change and according to my research and analysis
1 be an example to them in all the 4 aspects of life
2 take time to listen from them regardless of what they are talking
3 know each child as an individual and identify their special abilities and develop them
4 Become a children protecting agent at all cost.
5 BE a pipe that transfer unconditional love to them
6 Allow them to express what they feel about some characters and behaviors
7 Teach them what is right and they will always teach it to their pears in your absence
8 Apologize to them in case you hurt them dont be angel to them in case you do something bad accept the defeat and apologize
9 keep the standard and they will keep the trend
more are still coming but when you do the above in this year you will be the best to them and positive change will be seen
Naomi A.
1 year, 9 months ago
By showing them good example to follow and encouraging them to be a role model to others.
Angella K.
2 years, 1 month ago
Children are the most needed people in this world and their contribution will always be significant where recognize or not so we need to support the children because they are coming to take our place, position for future and as church we must be the voice for voice less so we have the big roles to protect children through our session (Church services, meeting, using the church media and to help the church in the community
Kingsley N.
2 years, 1 month ago
Assign tasks to them according to their ability and always encourage them whether they get it right or wrong
Brown E.
2 years, 2 months ago
Children are the most needed people in this world and their contribution will always be significant where recognize or not so we need to support the children because they are coming to take our place, position for future
Brown E.
2 years, 2 months ago
We as a church we must be the voice for voice less so we have the big roles to protect children through our session (Church services, meeting, using the church media and to help the church in the community
Kenneth K.
2 years, 2 months ago
Jesus set himself as example to mankind, as a leader you should be a role model to the children
stella m.
2 years, 2 months ago
to them on how to be positive in the community
Raymond L.
2 years, 4 months ago
1.Educating them positive values in the society.
Joana L.
2 years, 4 months ago
showing them love and also living an exemplary life
2 years, 4 months ago
By showing alot of love to them,being a role model,showing them that they are important people in the community, being humble to them