Making a child my friend
Tim M.
1 year ago
How to make a child a friend
Lydiah L.
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Seeking their attention and listening to them
4 weeks ago
Besides having scheduled time with your children, to develop meaningful friendships, you need to be available to them during unscheduled times as well. That means being home when they're home (not always, but often). It means putting down what we're doing when they verbally or nonverbally ask for our attention.
Rachel M.
4 weeks ago
Always be there for the child,applaud them and recognize their efforts however small in their tast.
Direct them on how to perform a certain task
Be available to help them solve problems
Jane N.
4 weeks, 1 day ago
be available to them all the times
Tabitha M.
1 month ago
Be available to them all the time to help solve their problems.
Joseph J.
1 month ago
Always be there for the child,applaud them and recognize their efforts however small in their tast.
Direct them on how to perform a certain task
Be available to help them solve problems
Joyce A.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Giving them gifts
Rachis O.
8 months ago
Building a friendship with a child involves understanding their needs, interests, and communicating in a way that fosters trust and respect.
fekede t.
10 months ago
protecting child from abuses
Alifornce M.
1 year ago
A child is made a friend by listening him or her well, advise him or her accordingly, fight for his or her fundamental rights and freedoms always.