
Responsibilities of children at home

The children at home have responsabilities of obeing the parents, studing, and going to church. They need to know that they would help the parents the works which are on their capacity. It is good to teach the children about their responsabilities. That is responsability of parents, church, and schoo to help the children to be awere of their responsabilities. That will help them in future. They will grow with knowledge and ability of creactivity. In future, they will be able to create the jobs and not be fear of the future. They will grow also with responsabilities of making decision.
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Assigned by his/her house chores
Children have the responsibility to support their parents in house chores and as well learn
Children are required to do chores that their parents are doing each and everyday. Is they are supposed to wash dishes, go for shamba, look after cattles and much more.
children have responsibility to take care of themselves I.e being keen when playing,communicating,etc
very true
exactly 💯
Children should assist their parents by doing pieces of work given, protect family property and attend church functions according to their age limit.
washing dishes and keeping the compound clean laundry and also washing their clothes
Children need to respect their parents and elders and be discipline in order for them to live a long-lasting life.